Bid Title: Cotuit Fire District Addition and Renovation to Fire Station Building – Architectural and Engineering Design Services.
Status: Open
Description: The Purchasing Agent of the Cotuit Fire District, on behalf the Cotuit Fire Department is soliciting qualifications for the following design services for the addition and renovation of the fire station building.
Publication Date/Time: 8/19/2024, 8:00 AM
Closing Date/Time: 9/19/2024, 2:00 PM.
All responses must be received by September 19, 2024, by 2:00 pm at the Cotuit Fire District, Attn: Board of Fire Commissioners Chairman Kevin Conley, 64 High Street, Cotuit, MA 02635; Responses received after that time will not be accepted.
Contact Person: For questions, contact Fire Chief Sean Brown, 64 High Street, Cotuit, MA 02635, email sbrown@cotuitfire.org preceding the bid opening, between the hours of 8:00AM and 4:00 PM, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays.
Related Documents: Please download and submit the following document:
RFQ for Architectural and Engineering Design Services for Addition and Renovation to Fire Station Building.
Date Issued: September 9, 2014
This addendum is being issued in response to questions received regarding the RFQ. Please download the document below.