Water Commissioners – Nov 19 2015 – minutes


The monthly meeting of the Board of Water Commissioners was held at Freedom Hall at 6:00 p.m. Chairman Barnicle, Commissioner Campbell and Superintendent Chris Wiseman were present. Commissioner Mastro was not able to attend.

Russ Kleekamp from the engineering firm of GHD was also present.

The meeting was called to order at 6:15 p.m.

The 10/15/2015 minutes were approved and warrants were signed.

Mr. Wiseman reviewed the water quality testing results for the month of October. MTBE and By-Product results will be available for the December meeting.

The following information was also included in the Superintendent’s report:

PUMPAGE 2014 2015
October 2014 Pumpage 15,067,000
October 2015 Pumpage 16,709,000

On the largest day in October we pumped 671,000 gallons of water, and the monthly volume has decreased by half from the previous month.

There was 1 replacement service completed in October and one emergency leak repair.

Mr. Wiseman informed the board that AT&T has not responded to the terms of the lease communicated on the boards behalf, and has stopped sending the monthly lease payment ($4,157.86). Mr. Wiseman will consult with legal counsel as to how to proceed with the expired lease and equipment.

We have been notified by MEMA that our grant application has been accepted for submission to FEMA. Representatives from MEMA, FEMA and GZA (Sam Bell) will be here on December 3rd for a site review with Mr. Wiseman.

The new superintendent vehicle has been delivered to Raynham and has been sent out for the installation of lights. It should be available for pick up in mid-December.

Steve Johnson, Director of Open Cape will be attending the December meeting to present a proposal to the board to complete the network via the Santuit Tank.

Russ Kleekamp and Mr. Wiseman will meet to review a few open questions for the USDA Grant application.

They also met with Mark Bourdreau regarding to discuss moving the cell equipment to a tower on the district property instead of the water tank. They are waiting for legal opinion before proceeding with a RFP for this project.

The Tank Construction timeline is on track for work to start after the Thanksgiving holiday.

Requested documentation regarding energy usage has been provided to Andrew Casey of GreenSeal Environmental, and there are a few remaining details, such as the primary contact person, to be ironed out. Mr. Wiseman will follow up with Andrew Casey for an update on this project.

There were two requests received by the Board for adjustments to the excess use bill due to leaks discovered during the water usage year. Both requests were approved.

The commissioners and superintendent reviewed the upcoming holiday schedule for office hours and coverage.

Mr. Wiseman asked the board to review the By-Laws as it relates to the penalty for the unlawful use or taking of water. The limits stated in the Mass. State law have changed and Mr. Wiseman recommended a change to the district by-laws to establish a penalty rate that would cover the cost of any loss.

The next meeting will be held on Thursday, December 17, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. at Freedom Hall. Jen Leger will be attending in place of Superintendent Wiseman.

The meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Theodore Barnicle, Chairman

Cc: Prudential Committee

Download a copy of the minutes