The monthly meeting of the Board of Water Commissioners was held at the office at 5 PM with all members present, except Mr. Barnicle. Superintendent Chris Wiseman was also present.
The February minutes were approved.
The warrants were signed.
There was one positive sample for coliform bacteria in February, but repeat samples were clear. MTBE results were “0” for February.
The following information was included in the Superintendent’s report:
February Pumpage 2013 – 7,548,000 2012 – 6,214,000
……………Five new services were installed.
……………Before final approval is given, Haley & Ward will review A T & T’s proposed modification work at the Main Street tank antenna site.
……………Water main flushing began on 3/11/13 and will continue into May. Chlorine is being added to aid in the cleansing process.
……………A price will be obtained for directional boring for the main installation under the road near Rushy Marsh Road.
The Board’s counsel will complete his review of Open Cape’s agreement letter by the end of next week.
The town attorney has set a closing date for the 671 Main Street project and will inform us once it has closed.
Discussion on the proposed security system was tabled until the April meeting when Mr. Barnicle will be present to report on his discussion with the Harwich Water Department concerning their newly installed system.
Discussion continued on the West Street tank painting project. The Board asked Mr. Wiseman to obtain cost estimates for refurnishing the tank.
Discussion was held on the monitoring wells that surround Station #5. The Board asked that Horsley & Witten, the firm that conducted that last round of testing, be requested to study the new situation at Stratford Ponds and decide if we should install a deep-water monitoring well in the area.
The FY 2014 budget was discussed. Mr. Calise made a motion to propose a 2.5% salary increase. Mr. Kiely seconded the motion and it was so voted.
The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, April 18, 2013., 2013.
The meeting adjourned at 6:40 pm..
Respectfully submitted,
Frederick Kiely, Chairman
Cc: Prudential Committee