The Cotuit Water Department will be flushing water mains (weather permitting) from:
Tuesday, April 06, 2021 – Wednesday, June 30, 2021
9 AM – 4 PM Monday through Friday
Water main flushing is part of a preventive maintenance program being undertaken by the Water Department to ensure that water quality is not being compromised.
Discoloration of the water may occur. This is an unavoidable effect of flushing, with an aesthetic value only, and is not considered a health hazard. The water should clear after a short period of time.
Signs will be visible in flushing areas. Residents in these areas are advised to refrain from laundering between 9 am and 4 pm and to set water aside for drinking and cooking purposes.
All village residents are advised to check water clarity before use, while this program is in operation, as water lines outside the flushing area could be affected.
Flushing locations will be posted daily on cotuitfiredistrict.org and on Facebook at facebook.com/Cotuit-Water-Department.
We appreciate the cooperation of our customers and apologize for any inconvenience.
Please call Cotuit Water at 508-428-2687 with any questions.