The monthly meeting of the Board of Water Commissioners was held at Freedom Hall at 5 PM with all members present. Superintendent Chris Wiseman was also present.
The September minutes were approved.
The warrants were signed.
There were three (3) coliform bacteria detections and one (1) E.coli detection in September, which prompted a water boil order. Chlorination began immediately and is on-going.
The following information was included in the Superintendent’s report:
September Pumpage 2013 – 24,471,000 2012 – 22,147,000
……………There was one leak repair on Popponesset Road.
……………We are still waiting for the structural report on the Main Street tank.
……………The engineering firm of Horsley Witten is conducting sampling at various levels at the new monitoring well located at Station #5.
The Board discussed the proposed fiber optics installation in conjunction with the planned revision of the security system and the revised contract that will be arriving from Open Cape Fiber Optics.
Discussion continued on the West Street painting and rehabilitation project.
The bid opening for the 2005 Chevy truck was held today at 2:00 pm. J.W. Dubuis & Sons won the bid to purchase the vehicle with the price of $9,250.00.
The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, November 20, 2013.
The meeting adjourned at 7:00 pm..
Respectfully submitted,
Frederick Kiely, Chairman
Cc: Prudential Committee