The monthly meeting of the Board of Water Commissioners was held at the office at 5 PM with all members present. Superintendent Chris Wiseman and Prudential committee member Amy Kates were also present.
The January minutes were approved.
The warrants were signed.
Coliform testing results for January were “0.”
The following information was included in the Superintendent’s report:
January Pumpage 2012 – 7,227,000 2011 – 8,489,000
…………Two leaks, found while conducting the leak detection program, were repaired.
…………Nine bids have been taken out to date on the well road paving project. The bid opening date is 2/22/12.
…………Horsley & Witten have not finished their assessment of the data we sent them on the Stratford Ponds treatment facility.
…………Merithew Co. will conduct tank inspections on 4/9/12.
…………Tata & Howard will proceed with the preparation of the water withdrawal permit renewal. The contract will be forthcoming.
…………The station #5 well has been pulled and inspected to determine what is causing a persistent vibration.
Discussion was held on the 671 Main Street easement and the fact that we are still awaiting the arrival of the documents from Attorney McLaughlin’s office.
Discussion continued on revising the personnel policy. After much discussion, the Board asked that a written proposal be obtained from the firm “The Executive Suite.”
Discussion continued on the project proposed by Open Cape Fiber Optic company. The Board will request more information and obtain an opinion from the Fire Department concerning this proposal.
The 2013 proposed budget and five-year capital improvement program were discussed.
The next meeting will be held on March 15, 2012 at 5:00 pm.
The meeting adjourned at 7:20 p.m..
Respectfully submitted,
Rick Kiely, Chairman
Cc: Prudential Committee