7/12/12 Water Commissioners Meeting Minutes




The monthly meeting of the Board of Water Commissioners was held at the office at 5 PM with all members present except Mr. Calise. Superintendent Chris Wiseman and Prudential Committee member Amy Kates were also present.

The June minutes were approved.

The warrants were signed.

June coliform results were “0.” Minute amounts of MTBE were detected at Station #3.


The following information was included in the Superintendent’s report:


June Pumpage              2012 –   24,301,000 2011 – 25,361,000

…………Two new services were installed, one service was replaced and one sideline was replaced.

…………The well roadway paving project has been completed except for guard rails which will be installed next month.

…………All permits have been obtained and a tentative bid opening is being scheduled for August for the water main extension from Rte. 28 to the Newtown Road storage tank.

Discussion was held on the current water situation.  Mr. Barnicle made a motion to immediately implement voluntary water conservation measures.  Mr. Kiely seconded the motion and it was so voted.

Horsley & Witten rep. Tom Lee arrived at 5:30 to discuss future monitoring well options in the area that surrounds Stratford Ponds.

At 6 pm, Mr. Lee exited and Weston & Sampson representative Leah Stanton arrived to discuss the Security Project update. She departed at 7:30 pm.

The 2nd draft of the personnel policy has not been received yet.  Discussion and review is postponed until the August meeting.

The Board is still awaiting Town attorney MacLaughlin’s call with the closing date for the 671 Main Street project.

Discussion on Open Cape’s fiber optic project was postponed until the Board receives Attorney Mann’s comments about the proposal.

Mr. Wiseman announced the participants in the bid opening for service connections and emergency repairs:

Bortolotti Construction   $35,703.26

Roderick Construction     $36,504.75

Mr. Barnicle made a motion to award the bid to Bortolotti Construction for the 2013 fiscal year.  Mr. Kiely seconded the motion and it was so voted.

The meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm..


Respectfully submitted,


Frederick Kiely, Chairman

Cc: Prudential Committee