The monthly meeting of the Board of Water Commissioners was held at Freedom Hall at 5 PM with all members present. Superintendent Chris Wiseman was also present.
The August minutes were approved.
The warrants were signed.
There were no coliform bacteria detections and no MTBE detections for the month of August.
At 5:30 Sean O’Brien, Emergency Preparedness Coordinator for the Town of Barnstable and Dan Vortherms, representative for Open Cape Fiber Optics arrived to continue discussion on the part they will play in restructuring our security system. After much discussion, they departed at 6:45.
The following information was included in the Superintendent’s report:
PUMPAGE AUGUST 2013 32,262,000 2012 -27,701,000
……………There was one water replacement service and one water relocation service.
……………The Town’s Main Street Extension project has begun, but
they are unable to provide us with a 75% plan as yet.
……………The Main Street tank has been cleaned and inspected and is back on line. The structural engineer is awaiting pictures before he prepares his report on the condition of the tank.
……………The new truck has arrived. The 2005 truck will be bid out with a planned bid opening on 10/17/13.
……………The new monitoring wells have been installed near Station #5.
Discussion on the new security system was tabled until the October meeting when new information will be available from Weston & Sampson.
The Board reviewed Haley & Ward’s price estimates for the West Street painting project.
The Board agreed to terminate the water conservation program for this year.
The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, October 17, 2013.
The meeting adjourned at 7:50 pm..
Respectfully submitted,
Frederick Kiely, Chairman
Cc: Prudential Committee