Meeting Minutes – 6/17/14



The monthly meeting of the Board of Water Commissioners was held at Freedom Hall at 5:00 p.m. with all members present, except Mr. Campbell who arrived at 6:05 p.m. Superintendent Chris Wiseman was also present.

The 5/13/14 minutes, the 6/11/14 regular minutes and the 6/11/14 executive session minutes were approved.

Public comment was allowed.

At 5:15 pm, Phyllis Miller and Kris Clark, representing the Town’s Land Acquisition & Preservation Committee, spoke about the committee’s mission to identify parcels of land that might be purchased to add additional protection of watershed areas on the Cape. The Department agreed to conduct some research in our zone I and II areas. She departed at 5:30 p.m.

At 5:30 p.m. Dan Vortherms, from Open Cape Corporation, presented an update on the fiber optics proposal for the Department’s security system. He departed at 6:00 p.m.

At 6:00 p.m. Russ Kleekamp, from Green Seal Environmental, presented a detailed description of the scope of work involved in the de-commissioning the Main and West Street storage tanks and the construction of one new storage tank. He departed at 6:30 p.m.

Jaci Barton and Mark Robinson, both representing the Barnstable Land Trust thanked the Board for their support in the Trust’s quest to purchase the acreage surrounding Lowell Park and provided an update on the project.

Discussion was held on the four final candidates who were interviewed on 6/11/14 for the office manager position. Mr. Barnicle made a motion to offer the position to Ms. Jennifer Leger for an annual salary of $42,500. Mr. Campbell seconded the motion and it was voted unanimously.

The warrants were signed.

There were no coliform detections during the month.

The following information was included in the Superintendent’s report:


PUMPAGE                        2014                       2013

May Pumpage                 19,888,000           18,047,000


……………There were three new service installations and one replacement service.

……………An informational meeting will be held by the DPW at Freedom Hall on Wednesday, the 18th at 5:30 p.m. to update the residents on the paving project from Ocean View Avenue to the end of Main Street that will completed in the Fall.

……………An advertisement for the field operator position has been placed in the newspaper and on line. Five applicants have applied to date. The deadline for applicants is 6/30/14.

Sprint’s cellular site contract was briefly discussed. Mr. Kiely stated that he would finish his review of the contract and the Board would vote on it at next month’s meeting.

Mr. Wiseman presented the bid amounts for the annual service connection installation contract. The low bidder was Bortolotti Construction with a bid of $31,385.70. The second bidder was Roderick Construction with a bid of $48,826.90. Mr. Campbell made a motion to award the service contract to Bortolotti Construction for fiscal 2015 year. Mr. Barnicle seconded the motion and it was so voted.

Discussion was held on the on-call duty situation that the Department is faced with, now that two field operators have left the Department. Mr. Barnicle made a motion to pay Mr. Wiseman for the on-call weeks that he covers, as this had been done in the past. Mr. Campbell seconded the motion and it was so voted.

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 22, 2014 at 5:00 at Freedom Hall.

The meeting adjourned at 6:48 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,


Frederick Kiely, Chairman