Cotuit Fire District
Water Commissioner’s Meeting
The monthly meeting of the Board of Water Commissioners was held at The Cotuit Water Department at 5:00 p.m. All members were present. Superintendent Chris Wiseman was also in attendance.
Also present at the meeting was Russ Kleekamp, Andrew Casey and Greg Wirsen of Green Seal Environmental, and Dan Vortherms from Open Cape.
The meeting was called to order at 5:00pm.
The 12/18/14 minutes were approved.
All warrants were signed.
The Superintendent reviewed the water quality testing results noting that there were no coliform detections. VOC testing was completed in January and the next by-product testing will be done in February.
The following information was also included in the Superintendent’s report:
December 2013: 8,492,000
December 2014: 7,958,000
There was 1 new service and 1 replacement service completed in December.
Mr. Wiseman updated the board on the Sprint renovations and the board voted to approve an agreement not to exceed $7,000 for Haley and Ward to review and inspect the work.
The AT&T Cellular Lease is expiring in April of 2015. The new agreement is for a one year lease with the option to renew annually for a period of 5 years. The board agrees with these terms and will review the new lease once received.
Mr. Wiseman notified the board that Jake Brown has opted to terminate his employment and that we will be posting an ad to fill his position. Cover letters and resumes are due to the department by Friday, February 6, 2015 at 4:30pm.
Mr. Wiseman also made the board aware that he may want to have a representative from Tata & Howard discuss the possibility of treating the water for iron and manganese as we have had an increasing number of complaints about dirty water.
Dan Vortherms addressed the board to discuss the status of the Open Cape project. Mr. Vortherms will follow up with the department within the next few weeks with a revised lease and cost estimates.
Russ Kleekamp, Greg Wirsen and Andrew Casey presented the board with some information about solar energy, the possible use of District Land and the offsetting cost benefits.
Mr. Kleekamp also gave an update on the progress with the plans for the decomissioning of the West and Main Street Tanks and the construction of a new tank on West St. He presented a draft copy of the plan for Mr. Wiseman to review, including updated cost estimates to prepare for the upcoming appropriation request.
Mr. Wiseman has been asked to attend a public hearing for the Lowell Park Conservation Restrictions. The date and location of this hearing are still pending. Casey Danhauser of the BLT is working with the Prudential Committee for funds needed from the appropriation for notifications and postage.
Mr. Kiely has asked Mr. Wiseman to review the current 5 year budget plan and begin work on the FY 2016 budget, a draft of which will be reviewed at the February meeting.
Mr. Campbell addressed the special appropriation funds that have not yet been spent. The board discussed several funds that should be finalized in FY15 and turned back in to the general fund at the end of the fiscal year.
The next meeting will be held on Thursday, February 19, 2015 at 5:00 p.m. at Freedom Hall.
The meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Frederick Kiely, Chairman