The monthly meeting of the Board of Water Commissioners was held at Freedom Hall at 5:00 p.m. Commissioner Barnicle and Commissioner Campbell were present as well as Superintendent Chris Wiseman. Commissioner Mastro was not in attendance.
Russ Kleekamp and Mark Drainville from GHD Engineering were also in attendance.
The meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m.
The 05/14/15 minutes were approved.
All warrants were signed.
Mr. Wiseman reviewed the water quality testing results. Manganese tested high at one station and reached the threshold at another. Mr. Wiseman will flush the lines at the stations and retest.
The following information was also included in the Superintendent’s report:
PUMPAGE 2014 2015
May 2014 Pumpage 19,880,000
May 2015 Pumpage 30,101,000
Several factors contributed to the high usage including a dry May, the flushing program that ended early in 2014, and some tank overflow during flushing while the Santuit Tank was the lead tank.
There were 3 new services and 2 replacement services completed in May.
The annual flushing program continues and should be completed before June 30th.
Mr. Wiseman confirmed with the commissioners that Patrick O’Neale of the engineering firm Tata & Howard will be available to review the Total Coliform Report with the Commissioners at the July meeting.
Mr. Wiseman, at the request of the commissioners, also confirmed with Attorney Boudreau that the law limits the district to signing a 10 year lease, which will be relevant to future discussions regarding solar energy.
Russ Kleekamp and Mark Drainville, Office Manager and Senior Engineer at GHD address the commissioners with information regarding a new solution to move forward with the fiber option program. They reviewed the scope of a project happening in the Town of Chatham and recommended that they commissioners visit Town of Chatham to review the project in person.
Russ Kleekamp will provide Mr. Wiseman with a contract for review and signature for the new tank construction, as the appropriation was approved in May.
The commissioners also asked Mr. Wiseman to proceed with obtaining an RFQ (Request for Qualification) with Greg Wirsen of Green Seal Environmental.
The board voted to elect Commissioner Ted Barnicle as the new Chairman.
Mr. Wiseman advised the board that Bortolotti was the apparent low bidder for the annual service contact with a bid of $38,217.90.
The Forestry Stewardship item has been tabled for the next meeting at Commissioner Mastro was not in attendance.
The next meeting will be held on Thursday, July 16, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. at Freedom Hall.
The meeting adjourned at 6:03 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Theodore Barnicle, Chairman
Cc: Prudential Committee