Water Commissioners Meeting Minutes 6/15/11

The monthly meeting of the Board of Water Commissioners was held at the office at 5 PM with all members present. Superintendent Chris Wiseman and Prudential Committee chairwoman Amy Kates were also present.

The May regular minutes were approved.

The warrants were signed.

Coliform testing results were “0” for May. MTBE results were “0” for the 3rd month in a row.

The following information was included in the Superintendent’s report:

May Pumpage     2010 – 16,210,000          2011 –    25,021,000

…………Four new services were installed and one leak was  repaired.

…………The re-development of Station #2 has been completed.

…………The final lien list was discussed.

…………The one-year anniversary inspection report for the Newtown Road tank has indicated that some touch-up work will need to be done in the Fall.

…………The over-flow pipes at the Main Street and West Street tanks will be modified to meet new regulations.

…………Two additional price proposals are forthcoming for the removal and testing of the pump at Station #5.

…………The by-law concerning fines for “the taking of water without authority” will have to be updated to reflect new State regulations.

The Board discussed the annual service installation bid to be opened on Thursday June 16th. Mr. Calise made a motion to authorize the Board chairman to approve the awarding of the bid, based on the superintendent’s recommendation. Mr. Barnicle seconded the motion and it was so voted.

The Board discussed the information that had to be forwarded to Patricia Browne for the Cotuit Fire District web site.

Mr. Kiely stated that there were no new developments on the 671 Main Street project.

The conservation/swap report was tabled until the July meeting.

The personnel policy was discussed. Mr. Kiely asked the Board to review their copy of the policy for discussion at the July meeting.

Mr. Barnicle made a motion to elect Mr. Kiely chairman for the 2012 year.  Mr. Calise seconded the motion and it was so voted.

The next meeting will be held on July 21, 2011 at 5:00 pm.

The meeting adjourned at 6:55 pm.


Respectfully submitted,


Frederick Kiely, Chairman

Cc: Prudential Committee