Flushing Notice, Friday, April 24, 2020


Update #5   04/24/2020  8:30a.m.

We are continuing low-flow flushing to clear the water supply in isolated areas of the district.  If you continue to experience water discoloration today, please contact the water department by phone 508-428-2687 or by email: jen@cotuitwater.org so that we can target areas that need attention.

Please remember to run only COLD water to check your water clarity.  If after 3 to 5 minutes of continuous flow you are still experiencing dirty water, please contact the Water Department. Our on-call staff is available 24/7 by calling 508-292-8755 should you experience issues after 4:30pm.  Please be sure to provide your address, contact phone number and time of incident so that we can resolve your issue more efficiently.

We will continue to provide updates as more information becomes available.

We sincerely appreciate the cooperation of our customers and apologize for any inconvenience.