The Minutes from the Prudential Committee meeting on 1-12-11 have been posted.
You can download the minutes clicking on the Prudential Committee folder on the Document page.
January 12, 2011
Chairman Kates opened the meeting and welcomed members of the public who were in attendance. She explained that the purpose of the meeting was strictly “housekeeping” or organizational. An executive session planned to follow the meeting would not be held because of the absence of the Treasurer, Mrs. Agnes Murray.
Posting of meetings was the first topic of discussion. In the past, meetings were posted only at the post office. As of July 1 of 2010, the revised open meeting law required posting at Town Hall. It was stated that a letter had been received from the Attorney General stating that we must post at the Town Hall. Ms. Hadley suggested an outdoor bulletin board at the Fire Station. It was moved that meeting notices be posted at the post office, the library, the fire station, and the water department in addition to the Town Hall and that we pursue getting an outdoor bulletin board. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously. Ms. Kates will try to find out what work has already been done toward obtaining an outdoor bulletin board. There was also discussion regarding keys to the bulletin board at the post office.
Ms. Hadley volunteered to be the Prudential Committee member assigned to the By-law committee. A motion to that effect was made and seconded and passed unanimously.
Ms Kates will remain on the Policy Advisory Committee.
It was agreed that one member of the Prudential Committee will attend Fire Commissioners meeting and one will attend Water Commissioners meetings. A motion was made and seconded that Ms. Kates will attend Fire Commissioners meetings through May and Ms. Hadley will attend Water Commissioners meetings. It passed unanimously.
A motion was made and seconded that Mr. Barry will be the committee’s contact for street lights. It passed unanimously.
It was stated that Mrs Murray has been in charge of scheduling the use of Freedom Hall as well as for opening the building and closing it for each usage. Her son, Stephen Murray has been the custodian. Ms Kates made a motion that Cotuit and nonprofit groups be allowed to continue using the hall for not charge, that for profit groups would pay a fee of $25, that the scheduling will be the responsibility of Ms Kates and that she will determine whether or not the present custodian wishes to continue to perform those duties and that she will monitor the condition of the hall. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.
After discussion about proceeding with an executive session in the absence of Mrs Murray, who had chosen not to attend the meeting, and upon a motion made and seconded to go into executive session for the purpose of discussing strategies in preparation for negotiations with nonunion personnel, and not to return to a public session, a roll call vote was taken and with Mr. Barry and Ms Hadley voting in favor, Ms Kates voting against..
Respectfully submitted
Clerk, Prudential Committee