October 2011 Fire Commissioners Meeting Minutes

Board of Fire Commissioners
Notes of Regular Meeting held, October 20, 2011
Note: These notes become official when approved at a subsequent meeting.
The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners was called to order at 1310hours by Fire Commissioner Mycock, Fire Commissioner Field and Fire Commissioner Nailor
Recording- Amy Kates, Barbara Trainor- Tessier
Fire Commissioners Comments:
• Motion made by Fire Commissioner Field to accept August 18th Fire Commissioner meeting minutes, seconded by Fire Commissioner Nailor, motion carried
• Motion made to accept September 15th 2011 Fire Commissioner meeting minutes with correction, seconded by Fire Commissioner Mycock, motion carried
Public Comments:
• Concerned with using Engine 265 to the scene for med flight landing
• Concern with long tern injury to Firefighter
• District members requesting to be on staffing sub-committee(Amy Kates, Jim Gardner)
• Letter for the record- requesting for Chairperson of the Fire Commissioners resignation
• Comments made- “stay in your own lane”
• Chain of Command- Tax payers being at the top
• House numbers regulations
• Need an educational seminar on possibly hiring two firefighters
• Why aren’t we positing our minutes on the District Web Site
Fire Chief’s Report:
• Monthly activities: August 2011 Fifty-four incidents fire and rescue combined, September 2011 forty-one incidents fire and rescue combined.
• Fire House Software issues are being worked out can not print staff activity reports, working with Fire House Consultant.
• Comstar: $34,421.00 beginning balance, $34,797.00 ending balance
• Imagine Trend EMS Software- The reports are stating that we are charging for oxygen but did not use it on the patient. Maybe a code issue that we are experiencing, we are looking into issue.
Old Business:
• 22% of the salaries have been spent
• 44% of the operational budget has been spent
• Appropriations- working with Treasurer to close out some of the appropriations that are zero balance
• Union contract has been completed and signed Fire Commissioner Mycock to hand out copies to Board members
New Business:
• Personnel/staffing sub-committee- Fire Commissioner Nailor, Prudential Committee Barry, Fire Chief Olsen, Union President Amento and one district member
• ISO Rating is in the process for Cotuit Fire Rescue Department, ISO consultant need our training records, scheduled meeting next month
• Engine 265 maintenance and repairs quoted between $7,000.00 to $9,000.00 dollars
• Temporary/provisional position: request for permission to have an open dialogue with the Union to discuss the possibility.
Fire Commissioner Mycock made a motion to adjourn the meeting, motion seconded by Fire Commissioner Nailor, motion carried. Meeting adjourned 1359 hours.

Respectfully Submitted:
Board of Fire Commissioners

August 2010 Fire Commissioners Meeting Minutes

Board of Fire Commissioners
Notes of Regular Meeting held, August 19, 2010
Note: These notes become official when approved at a subsequent meeting.

The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners was called to order at 1303 hours by Commissioner Mycock, Field and Commissioner B. Nailor. Also in attendance: Treasurer/clerk Agnes Murray, Prudential Committee Member King Lowe, Amy Kates, Cindy Gardner, Carol Olsen, Ruth Pierce, Barbara Tressier, Bill Tressier, Bennet Dotridge, Don Campbell, Lieutenant J. Pouliot, FF J.Amento

Recording- one district member recording and the Fire District
Public Comment: requesting for a box outside the door for postings
District member giving a letter to the Fire Commissioners
District member asking about changing the meeting times from day to night
Prudential Committee Chairperson- If the Fire Department would entertain taking over care of Freedom Hall.
Fourth of July was a success, “Thank you” to all our personnel that came
Strawberry Festival- success and “Thank you”
Cotuit Mosquito Yacht club- Safety talk was well received, patches from Cotuit Fire Rescue Department were given on a job well done for the rescue incident
Dinning/Kitchen completed, painting from FF, Job well done with our “Thanks”
South Shore Generator- completed
Old Business:
• Budget- 98% Labor and Salaries spent, 77 % of the operational budget spent
• Fire Hose Replacement- ordered
New Business:
• Truck Committee- need to meet Falmouth Fire in September
• Activity Reports- need to supply copies to the Board of Fire Commissioners
• Personnel Protective Equipment- Lieutenant Pouliot completing grant
• Fitness/Wellness Grant- Chief will complete grant
• Safety Grant- Chief will complete grant
• Training reimbursement: Masters Program
• FF requesting reimbursement for two year Masters program degree
• Fire Chief approved $480.00 last year in error and was disciplined from the Board of Fire Commissioners, it clearly states that the Fire Chief approves courses and classes but the reimbursement is the authorization of the Board of Fire Commissioners according to the Union Contract
• Commissioner Field- motion made to deny FF request for reimbursement for two year Masters Program courses, seconded by Commissioner Nailor- motion voted upon and passed.
• Commissioner Field questioning if $480.00 given to FF for last year reimbursement shall the Board request monies back for such, Chairperson Mycock stating “no”, not at this time.
• Motion made by Chairperson Mycock to go into executive session for the purpose of step two grievance process, motion seconded by Commissioner Nailor, voted upon and passed.
• Out of executive session, meeting reconvened.
• Fire Commissioner Mycock, motion – Board of Fire Commissioners denied request for step two grievance and moves to arbitration if Union so desires, seconded by Commissioner Field – motion voted upon passed.
• Motion made by Chairperson Mycock to adjourn Fire Commissioners meeting, seconded voted upon and passed.
Respectfully Submitted:
Board of Fire Commissioners

October 2011 Fire Commissioners Meeting Minutes

Board of Fire Commissioners
Notes of Regular Meeting held, October 20, 2011
Note: These notes become official when approved at a subsequent meeting.
The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners was called to order at 1310hours by Fire Commissioner Mycock, Fire Commissioner Field and Fire Commissioner Nailor
Recording- Amy Kates, Barbara Trainor- Tessier
Fire Commissioners Comments:
• Motion made by Fire Commissioner Field to accept August 18th Fire Commissioner meeting minutes, seconded by Fire Commissioner Nailor, motion carried
• Motion made to accept September 15th 2011 Fire Commissioner meeting minutes with correction, seconded by Fire Commissioner Mycock, motion carried
Public Comments:
• Concerned with using Engine 265 to the scene for med flight landing
• Concern with long tern injury to Firefighter
• District members requesting to be on staffing sub-committee(Amy Kates, Jim Gardner)
• Letter for the record- requesting for Chairperson of the Fire Commissioners resignation
• Comments made- “stay in your own lane”
• Chain of Command- Tax payers being at the top
• House numbers regulations
• Need an educational seminar on possibly hiring two firefighters
• Why aren’t we positing our minutes on the District Web Site
Fire Chief’s Report:
• Monthly activities: August 2011 Fifty-four incidents fire and rescue combined, September 2011 forty-one incidents fire and rescue combined.
• Fire House Software issues are being worked out can not print staff activity reports, working with Fire House Consultant.
• Comstar: $34,421.00 beginning balance, $34,797.00 ending balance
• Imagine Trend EMS Software- The reports are stating that we are charging for oxygen but did not use it on the patient. Maybe a code issue that we are experiencing, we are looking into issue.
Old Business:
• 22% of the salaries have been spent
• 44% of the operational budget has been spent
• Appropriations- working with Treasurer to close out some of the appropriations that are zero balance
• Union contract has been completed and signed Fire Commissioner Mycock to hand out copies to Board members
New Business:
• Personnel/staffing sub-committee- Fire Commissioner Nailor, Prudential Committee Barry, Fire Chief Olsen, Union President Amento and one district member
• ISO Rating is in the process for Cotuit Fire Rescue Department, ISO consultant need our training records, scheduled meeting next month
• Engine 265 maintenance and repairs quoted between $7,000.00 to $9,000.00 dollars
• Temporary/provisional position: request for permission to have an open dialogue with the Union to discuss the possibility.
Fire Commissioner Mycock made a motion to adjourn the meeting, motion seconded by Fire Commissioner Nailor, motion carried. Meeting adjourned 1359 hours.

Respectfully Submitted:
Board of Fire Commissioners

September 2011 Fire Commissioners Meeting Minutes

Board of Fire Commissioners
Notes of Regular Meeting held, September 15, 2011
Note: These notes become official when approved at a subsequent meeting.
The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners was called to order at 1304hours by Fire Commissioner Mycock, and Fire Commissioner Nailor.
Fire Commissioner Field was unavailable to make Fire Commissioners meeting.
Recording- Cindy Gardner, Barbara Trainor- Tessier
Fire Commissioners Comments:
• May 19th 2011 need to wait to approve at a later date, on counsel advise
• June 16th 2011 approved
• July 21st 2011 motioned made by Fire Commissioner Mycock to accept July 21st 2011 minutes, seconded by FC Nailor, motion carried
• July 21st 2011 motioned made by Fire Commissioner Mycock to accept July 21st 2011 executive minutes, seconded by Fire Commissioner Nailor, motioned carried
• May 19th 2011 and August 12th minutes still need to be approved at a later date, again on counsel advise
Public Comments:
• Concern with Fire Fighter not being able to respond back to call back
• Copies of minutes need to be ready in time allotted
• Minutes shall be received when requested by the District Clerk
• Question on Fire Commissioner fined by Judge Woodlock, seek the courts to retrieve information and answer.
• Minutes can be given early has long as you have DRAFT written on them

Fire Chief’s Report:
• Monthly activities no report, will provide three months worth
• Call Firefighter process is ongoing

Old Business:
• 12% of the salaries have been spent
• 38% of the operational budget has been spent
• Appropriations- working with Treasurer to complete and close out some of the appropriations
• Comstar report: waiting for response
• Union contract has been completed, waiting for all committee members to receive the signed versions
New Business:
• Personnel/staffing sub-committee to be formed- verbal request to study additional full time members
• Fire Commissioner Mycock stating to make a three person sub-committee first, to come back to the Fire Commissioners with a report on how to move forward with the process of studying the need for additional full time members and to establish the full sub-committee
• Sub-committee to meet at the Fire Station 64 High Street, Cotuit, MA 02635 on October 06, 2011 at 1300hours(1:00p.m.)
• Sign for posting- requesting permission to move forward with the process, to speak to the Prudential Committee with there thoughts
• ISO Rating is in the process for Cotuit Fire Rescue Department

Fire Commissioner Mycock asking if any other public comment, seeing none Fire Commissioner Mycock made a motion to adjourn the meeting, motion seconded by Fire Commissioner Nailor, motion carried.
Fire Commissioner meeting adjourned at 1340hours.

Respectfully Submitted:
Board of Fire Commissioners

August 2011 Fire Commissioners Meeting Minutes

Board of Fire Commissioners
Notes of Regular Meeting held, August 18, 2011
Note: These notes become official when approved at a subsequent meeting.

The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners was called to order at 1302hours by Fire Commissioner Field, and Fire Commissioner Nailor.
Fire Commissioner Mycock was unavailable to make Fire Commissioners meeting.
Recording- Unknown
Public Comments:
• Rushy Marsh Road- Tree down across wires, can the fire department investigate issue
• Who do we request minutes from, is it Charlie Eager, District Clerk, answer was yes
• Question on Firefighter’s Clarks’ date of physical exam and PAT
• Question on Firefighter Entrance Exam, are the same exams each year
• Statement made from Fire Commissioner Field that the hiring process for FF Clark has been completed; FF Clark has been working, moving forward.

Fire Chief’s Report:
• Monthly activities no report
• Four positions open for Call Firefighter process is ongoing
• CPR Class moving forward, every last Thursday of each month, Cotuit Fire Rescue Department will be offering a CPR class. Ten dollars will be the cost of the course.

Old Business:
• 95% of the salaries have been spent-final report
• 88% of the operational budget has been spent-still reconciling balance
• Legal fees are paid up to date
• Comstar report: has not returned our call
• Firefighter Shane Clark scheduled to report to the Massachusetts Firefighting Academy in January 2012.
New Business:
• September 11 memorial service will be held at Cotuit Fire, all personnel and members of the District to be at the station no later than 0830hours on September 11, 2011 Sunday.
• Sign for posting- requesting permission to move forward with the process, comments about this process was brought up at meeting: Cotuit Firefighters Association will be asked to help as well as Prudential Committee, in the process of getting photos as well as prices. Enclosed weatherproof board to be placed between windows on side “B” of fire station near ramp.

Fire Commissioner Field asking if any other public comment, seeing none Fire Commissioner Field made a motion to close the meeting, motion seconded by Fire Commissioner Nailor, motion carried.
Fire Commissioner meeting adjourned at 1320hours.

Respectfully Submitted:
Board of Fire Commissioners

July 2011 Fire Commissioners Meeting Minutes

Board of Fire Commissioners
Notes of Regular Meeting held, July 21, 2011
Note: These notes become official when approved at a subsequent meeting.

The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners was called to order at 1300hours by Fire Commissioner Mycock, Fire Commissioner Field, and Fire Commissioner Nailor.
Fire Commissioner Mycock read the requirements of open meeting law information
Recording- Amy Kates
Public Comments:
• Did the Fire Chief have to go to the State Fire Academy
• Copy of letter that union has for personnel that did not or chose not to go to the State Fire Academy
• April Documents from Fire Chief for personnel shift work
• Health benefits and Delta Dental plan- open enrollment needs to be communicated to all personnel when it happens
• Getting grades from Anna Maria College on-line no issue

Fire Chief’s Report:
• Monthly activities no report- FH software is down
• Four positions open for Call Firefighter
• Call Firefighter Douglas Williamson passed his EMT-Paramedic certification and completed the Fire Academy requirements. Job Well Done!
• Lieutenant McNamara working with both new Call Firefighters in the orientation process

Old Business:
• 95% of the salaries have been spent-final report
• 87% of the operational budget has been spent-still reconciling balance
• Legal fees are paid up to date
• Comstar report: June 2011 $30, 485.00 to $ 45, 000.00 gross per month, the District nets approximately $17, 000.00 per month

New Business:

Massachusetts Firefighting Academy has accepted Firefighter Shane Clark’s application to attend the fifteen week Firefighting Academy. We are proud and glad to have Firefighter Shane Clark in our family at Cotuit Fire.
Retirement board:
• How much contribution Cotuit Fire District pay for their employees? Need to review the numbers?

Union negotiation been completed, job well done by the Union, and THANK YOU!

Administrative Assistance stated the following for the record: The last week meeting between Fire Commissioner Mycock and Fire Chief Olsen was an informal meeting and that all discussion is to be confidential, FC Mycock agreed.
Fire Commissioner Mycock made a motion to go into executive session for the purpose to discuss the Administrative Assistance position with Fire Commissioners and Fire Chief Olsen, seconded by FC Nailor, motion approved. We will be going into executive session and will not reconvene to public session.

Respectfully Submitted:
Board of Fire Commissioners

November 2011 Fire Commissioners Meeting Agenda

Cotuit Fire District – Board of Fire Commissioners
Notice of meetings of District Department and all District Boards
As required by Chapter 28 of the Acts of 2009 which amends MGL Chapter 30 A


DATE of Meeting/Time: November 17, 2011 at 1300hrs (1:00pm)
PLACE: 64 High Street, Cotuit Fire Department, Cotuit, Massachusetts.
DATE OF NOTICE: November 14, 2011

Call to Order

Review & Approval of any previous meeting minutes

Public Comments

Fire Chief’s Report
• Monthly Activity sheets
• Comstar

Old Business:
• Budget
• Personnel staffing/study
• ISO Rating
• Engine 265 maintenance/repair
• Temporary/provisional position

New Business:
• Centennial Celebration for Cotuit Fire Department
• Christmas in Cotuit
• Capital expenditures

Executive Session: Not needed

Approval of Warrants

For your information the section of the M.G.L. that pertains to postings of meetings is as follows: Except in an emergency, in addition to any notice otherwise required by law, a public body shall post notice of every meeting at least 48 hours prior to such meeting, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays. In an emergency, a public body shall post notice as soon as reasonably possible prior to such meeting. Notice shall be printed in a legible, easily understandable format and shall contain: the date, time and place of such meeting and listing of topics that the chair reasonably anticipates will be discussed at the meeting. For meetings of a local public body, notice shall be filed with the municipal clerk and posted in a manner conspicuously visible to the public at all hours in or on the municipal building in which the clerk’s office is located.