January 10 2013 Meeting Minutes
1300hrs (1:00pm)
Barbara Trainor-Tessier, Amy Kates
Fire Commissioner Field made a motion to accept November 29, 2012 Fire Commissioners Meeting Minutes. Seconded by Fire Commissioner Nailor, motion carries.
Public comment
Barbara Trainor-Tessier- Asked if Administrative Assistant position was filled?
Concerned with monthly meetings, if there have been one meeting each month?
Amy kates- Budget concern of payroll in reference to overtime, concerned with what percentage has been used.
David Pierce- Concerned about ALS Fire Engine, questioning why the department is considering removing the ALS aspect of the Fire Apparatus?
Fire Commissioner Mycock- answering Barbara Trainor-Tessier- At this point we do not need an Administrative Assistant to the Chief, also stating that we Fire Commissioners are content with the amount of Fire Commissioner meetings being held throughout the year.
Fire Commissioner Mycock- answering Amy Kates question on the Budget- We have been awaiting the budget from your department, we are also concerned.
Fire Chief’s Report:
Fire Commissioner Field asking the Fire Chief to respond to David Pierce comments on the ALS Engine. Fire Commissioner Mycock makes a state that this is not the forum to have this conversation.
Fire Chief Olsen states that this was the first time hearing about Firefighter David A. Pierces’ concern about the ALS Engine, and states at anytime any firefighter can come to the Fire Chief’s office to discuss this further, Chief Stating “I have an open door policy”.
Monthly activities- 37 rescue calls, 2 motor vehicle accident, 7 automatic fire alarms, 2 mutual aid Engine responses, 2 open burning responses, 1 hazmat call, 7 fire prevention inspections.
FY 2011 total run count equals 776, FY2012 total run count equals 732, 542 Rescue calls and 190 Fire Calls.
Comstar – reports from 11-28-12 – 12-27-12 equals $10,300 net gain. Average basic call is $400-500 dollars, average ALS call $500-800
We average about 27 to 34 calls in a month.
Fire Commissioner requesting the summary of the comstar report and write offs for last year
Budget-received on this date in the AM:
Concerns on line items in the Budget: 100% sick leave has been used, 80% Longevity at this time, 55% salaries has been spent, 80% of training reimbursement, 76% repair for radios, 87% for telephone, 76% for training, 128% for VFIS insurance-do to mark up after budget line item was in place, 95 % vehicle insurance and 107% Accident and Sickness Insurance
Operational Budget has no issues at this point in time.
Fire Commissioner Mycock asking if the numbers in the prepared budget is accurate, the Treasurer is comfortable with those numbers given.
Fire Commissioner Mycock stating that we need to get this budget on a monthly basis and a few days before the next Fire Commissioner meetings.
Fire Commissioner Mcock- asking how the financial software working- Fire Chief Olsen stated it has difficult to work with the software.
Asking to hire two additional Full Time Firefighters- Fire Commissioner Mycock to contact the Prudential Committee to place on agenda for their next meeting for discussion.
Fire Chief’s meeting with the Executive Board of the Cotuit/Santuit Civic Association went well and had a positive impact on committee.
New Business:
Capital Equipment plan:
HVAC system needs to be replaced
Roof at this point is not leaking and seems to be OK
Firefighter Shane Clark is attending the Massachusetts State Fire Academy
Fire Commissioner Mycock- asking for next Fire Commissioner meeting to be held January 24, 2013.
Fire Commissioner Nailor makes a motion to adjourn, seconded by Fire Commissioner Field. Motion carries
Meeting Adjourned
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