4/18/13 The monthly meeting of the Board of Water Commissioners was held at the office at 5 PM with all members present. Superintendent Chris Wiseman, Prudential committee member Amy Kates and Cotuit resident Donald Campbell were also present. The March minutes were approved. The warrants were signed. There was one positive sample for coliform bacteria … Read more



Fire Commission Special Meeting 5-14-13

Board of Fire Commissioners

Notes of Special Meeting held, May 14, 2013

Note: These notes become official when approved at a subsequent meeting.

The Special meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners was called to order at 1300hours by Fire Commissioner Mycock, Field and Nailor

Meeting opened at 1300

  • Fire Commissioner Mycock addresses the public with the Hiring process from Chief Christopher J. Olsen. We are here to use an excess of caution. This is not a new position but a vacancy.
  • Fire Chief Olsen addresses the Board with the hiring process for one Firefighter/Paramedic position.
  • Fire Chief stated that an advertisement was placed in the Cape Cod Times for a Firefighter/Paramedic position. We had received eighteen applications from that advertisement. A matrix was completed prior to receiving any applicants. The applicants were graded on their entire application packet and oral interview. In order to have been accepted the applicants had to have taken the Barnstable Fire Fighters entrance exam.
  • One applicant was not a paramedic which had been disqualified
  • The packets were to be picked up at the station, signed out and stamped received with the date and time when returned to the station. The applicants had a week to respond back to the station.
  • Officers graded the applications and resume. The Officers graded the all the packets in separate rooms with numbers did not want any names to the packets until the end of grading.
  • When each Officer had finished the grading process, the Officers complied a list by numbers and met with me in the Fire Chief Officer and compared each Officers list. Coming up with six numbers and then names to interview.
  • The interview was completed, each Officer grading the interview. When completed all grades of all six applicants was placed into the matrix. A hiring list was created.
  • The Top Applicant was chosen. The top applicant was Firefighter/Paramedic Peter Emerson.
  • It is my recommendation to the Board of Fire Commissioners to hire Firefighter/Paramedic Peter Emerson.
  • Fire Commissioner Nailor stated that she was asked to participate in the process by observation only. Fire Commissioner Nailor stated that it was a very fair and excellent process and would whole heartily support the Fire Chief recommendation for Call Firefighter Peter Emerson for the position of Firefighter/Paramedic Cotuit Fire Department.
  • Fire Commissioner Mycock asked if there was there any female applicants in the process, the answer was “no”. On the list from the Entry Level Firefighting Test there are a few female firefighter/paramedic that could have applied.
  • Public comment there was about two female firefighters out of twenty-four males going through the Barnstable Fire Academy.
  • Questions asked about matrix, academy trained, and PAT
  • Comment made to Board from the public on how important it is have a call firefighter from
  • Fire Commissioner Mycock made a motion with an abundance of caution to accept the Fire Chiefs’ recommendation to hire Call Firefighter/Paramedic Peter Emerson.
  • Comments on the matrix to share with the general public
  • Fire Commissioner Field made a motion to adjourn, seconded motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted:
Board of Fire Commissioners

Download meeting minutes as PDF




May 11, 2013

Absentee ballots are now available.  They may be picked up at the Treasurer’s Office at the Fire Station between the hours of 9 AM and noon, Tuesday through Thursday.  All absentee voters must fill out an application prior to receiving a ballot.

Charles W. Eager




Budget, Tax, and Employee Benefit Financials

The Prudential Committee is posting budget, tax, and employee benefit financial documents for review. You can view/print any of the documents by clicking on the links.

2014 Final Budget: This 18-page document contains figures from FY 2011, 2012, and 2013 along with the proposed budget for 2014.

Cotuit Fire District Tax History: This two-page document highlights the tax differences in hiring two new firefighter/paramedics.

Employee Benefits: This three-page document outlines employee benefits by department.


Annual Election and District Meeting May 28 and 29 2013


You are hereby required and directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of the Town of Barnstable residing within the territory comprising the Cotuit Fire District qualified to vote in District elections and affairs to meet at the Freedom Hall Main Street, Cotuit, on Tuesday, May 28, 2013, between the hours of four o’clock and eight o’clock PM, then and there to vote for the following officers:

  • One member of the Prudential Committee, for three years
  • One member of the Board of Fire Commissioners, for three years
  • One member of the Board of Water Commissioners, for three years
  • A Moderator, for three years

Warning shall also be given to said inhabitants to meet on Wednesday, May 29, 2013, at Freedom Hall, Main Street, Cotuit, at seven-thirty o’clock PM, when action will be taken on the following articles:

(All articles which are not followed by the words “by request of . . .” are inserted by the Prudential Committee.)

Article 1: To see if the District will vote to accept the reports of the officers and committees of the District as printed.

Article 2: To see if the District will vote to set the annual salaries of the elected officials as follows: Prudential Committee Members, Members of the Board of Fire Commissioners and Members of the Board of Water Commissioners: $1,250.00 each; Moderator: $250.00.

Article 3: To see if the District will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer and appropriate the sum of $50,000.00 to establish the reserve fund as provided under Section 5C, Chapter 40 of the General Laws.

Article 4: To see if the District will vote to raise and appropriate and/or transfer and appropriate:

  • $46,250.00 for labor and salaries for the Finance Department; and
  • $123,750.00 for the remaining expenses of the Finance Department, to be apportioned approximately as
  • follows:
  • $123,250.00 for operations; and
  • $500.00 for miscellaneous expenses

for a total appropriation of $170,000.00.

Article 5: To see if the District will vote to raise and appropriate and/or transfer and appropriate:

  • $1,527,048.00 for the labor and salaries of the Fire Department; and
  • $370,950.00 for the remaining expenses of the Fire Department, to be apportioned approximately as follows:
  • Maintenance, $72,600.00
  • Operating expenses, $297,350.00, and
  • Miscellaneous, $1,000.00

for a total appropriation of $1,897,998.00. (Requested by the Board of Fire Commissioners) The Prudential Committee recommends this Article.

Article 6: To see if the District will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer and appropriate $41,500.00 to purchase new Turn Out Gear (PPE) for the Fire Department. (Requested by the Board of Fire Commissioners) The Prudential Committee recommends this Article.
Article 7: To see if the District will vote to raise and Appropriate and/or transfer and appropriate:

  • $26,000.00 for the Water Department for service connections
  • $305,204.00 for labor and salaries of the Water Department; and

$321,700.00 for the remaining expenses of the Water Department, to be apportioned approximately as follows:

  • $74,000.00 for maintenance;
  • $195,700.00 for operations; and
  • $52,000.00 for miscellaneous expenses

for a total appropriation of $652,904.00 and that the receipts and revenues of the Water Department be applied to these amounts. (Requested by the Board of Water Commissioners) The Prudential Committee recommends this Article.

Article 8: To see if the District will vote to raise and appropriate and/or transfer and appropriate the sum of $25,000.00 for the meter replacement program. (Requested by the Board of Water Commissioners) The Prudential Committee recommends this Article.

Article 9: To see if the District will vote to raise and appropriate and/or transfer and appropriate the sum of $45,000.00 to purchase a new four-wheel drive, one ton utility body pickup truck with accessories and snowplow and to further authorize the Board of Water Commissioners to dispose of one 2005 Chevrolet four-wheel drive, one ton utility body pickup truck, vehicle identification number 1GBHK34U45E315636, either by outright sale, or by trading in and applying the proceeds of any such trade to the purchase of said new truck, whichever they deem to be in the best interest of the District. (Requested by the Board of Water Commissioners) The Prudential Committee recommends this Article.

Article 10: To see if the District will vote to raise and appropriate and/or transfer and appropriate and/or borrow and appropriate the sum of $200,000.00 for the water main extension program. (Requested by the Board of Water Commissioners) The Prudential Committee recommends this Article.

Article 11: To see if the District will vote to raise and appropriate and/or transfer and appropriate:

  • $2,250.00 for the labor and salaries for Freedom Hall Maintenance Department; and

$22,750.00 for the remaining expenses of the Prudential Committee, to be apportioned approximately as follows:

  • Maintenance, $6,250.00,
  • Operating expenses, $16,350.00, and
  • Miscellaneous, $150.00

for a total appropriation of $25,000.00.

Article 12: To see if the District will vote to raise and appropriate and/or transfer and appropriate the sum of $30,000.00 for the purpose of designing and replacing the HVAC System at Freedom Hall.

Article 13: To see if the District will vote to raise and appropriate and/or transfer and appropriate $30,000.00 to maintain the street lights of the District.

Article 14: To see if the District will vote to raise and appropriate and/or transfer and appropriate $18,000.00 to support the Maintenance of the Cotuit Library.

Article 15: To see if the District will vote to raise and appropriate and/or transfer and appropriate the sum of $229,700.00 for payment of principal and interest.

Article 16: To see if the District will vote to raise and appropriate and/or transfer and appropriate the sum of $685,450.00 for the purpose of paying employee/other post-employment benefits.

Article 17: To see if the District will vote to raise and appropriate and/or transfer and appropriate to sum of $25,000.00 for the Stabilization Fund as provided under Section 5B, Chapter 40, of the General Laws.

Hereof fail not to make due return of this warrant and your doings thereon at said meeting.

Given under our hands this Twenty-Ninth day of April, 2013.

Laurie C. Hadley
Amy M. Kates
Richard G. Barry

A True Copy, attest:

Charles W. Eager, Clerk
Cotuit Fire District

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