Cotuit Fire District – Board of Fire Commissioners
Notice of meetings of District Department and all District Boards
As required by Chapter 28 of the Acts of 2009 which amends MGL Chapter 30 A
*Please note the date change from November 22, 2012 to November 29, 2012
DATE of Meeting/Time: November 29, 2012 at 1300hrs (1:00pm)
PLACE: 976 Main Street, Freedom Hall, Cotuit, Massachusetts.
DATE OF NOTICE: November 20, 2012
Call to Order
Review & Approval of any previous meeting minutes
Public Comments
Fire Chief’s Report
• Monthly Activity sheets
• Comstar
• Ham and Bean Supper for our 100th year anniversary celebration and appreciation night
• Christmas in Cotuit
Old Business:
• Budget
• Additional Personnel-Call Firefighters and full time Firefighters
• Plans to restructure training room
• Capital Equipment Plan
New Business:
• Capital Equipment Plan
• Fire Commissioner Chairperson- Addressing the information on contractual matters referring to section 3.3.1 New Employees, Credit for previous experience, FFI Training, 11.4 Vacation Leave Accural and 12.4 Job related Sickness or Injury
Executive Session: not needed
Approval of Warrants
For your information the section of the M.G.L. that pertains to postings of meetings is as follows: Except in an emergency, in addition to any notice otherwise required by law, a public body shall post notice of every meeting at least 48 hours prior to such meeting, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays. In an emergency, a public body shall post notice as soon as reasonably possible prior to such meeting. Notice shall be printed in a legible, easily understandable format and shall contain: the date, time and place of such meeting and listing of topics that the chair reasonably anticipates will be discussed at the meeting. For meetings of a local public body, notice shall be filed with the municipal clerk and posted in a manner conspicuously visible to the public at all hours in or on the municipal building in which the clerk’s office is located.