Cotuit Fire District – Board of Fire Commissioners
Notice of meetings of District Department and all District Boards
As required by Chapter 28 of the Acts of 2009 which amends MGL Chapter 30 A
March 28, 2013 Meeting Minutes
1300hrs (1:00pm)
Recording: Barbara Trainor-Tessier, Amy Kates
Fire Commissioner Mycock made a statement on how Fire Commissioner Meetings are to be run.
Fire Commissioner Mycock stating that we can’t get any work done do to the disruptive behavior from certain individuals from the district.
At the last meeting Fire Commissioner Mycock called Ms. Barbara Trainor-Tessier out of order, the Chairperson requested that Ms. Barbara Trainor- Tessier leave the meeting, she refused to do so.
Fire Commissioner Mycock stating that a Barnstable Police Officer was asked to be present at this meeting to see that disruptive behavior does not happen again. It is unacceptable and hopefully we can act like adults. You do not have to respect each board member but you certainly need to respect the Board of Fire Commissioner positions.
Fire Commissioner Mycock stating did not have time to complete the minutes, we are moving on to litigation. I am very happy to tell everyone that Judge Woodlock issued his findings on the David Pierces’ case against the District, the Fire Commissioners and Fire Chief. Judge Woodlock has dismissed the case against the District, Fire Commissioners and Fire Chief under summary Judgment. We have copies for anyone wishing to have a copy of Judge Woodlocks’ findings; it is open to the public to review. The Fire Commissioners will still be kept “under “a gage” order.
Draft form of the FY 2014 budget.
Labor and Salaries will have a two percent increase contractual.
Line item change to the Administrative Assistant Position in terms of the dollar amount.
The Fire Chief advertised the vacancy for the Administration Assistant- received back numerous resumes’ and applications, ongoing review of applications, no decision has been made at this time.
Fire Commissioners asked the Fire Chief to review the need of having an administrative assistant position since you and the officers are completing the workload.
Vacation time has increased do to contractual agreement.
Sick time is on a rise over the budget line item by $21,000.00
Call Firefighters budget line item has been increase, looking to hire more call firefighters in the future.
Four items in the budget: Salary / wages, Operational, Maintenance and Miscellaneous.
Vehicle Maintenance has increase do to the aging fleet. Apparatus committee has been established.
Maintenance for the apparatus on the line item is about fifty percent of the budget has been spent at the end of February.
The Treasurer and the Book Keeper are providing the Fire Chief with a currant budget.
Operational part of the budget will primarily stay the same with minimal line item increases.
Fire Chief stating that we are not asking for any appropriation at this time.
Fire Chief stating looking at three new articles: Personal Protective gear at $41,500.00 for roughly nineteen sets, Two additional FF/Paramedics at $245,735.94 to include Health Insurance, PPE, Training, State Academy, Sick, Vacation and Personal Leave. The third article item: new ambulance at $220,000.00 roughly.
Fire Commissioner Nailor made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Fire Commissioner Mycock. Motion carried.
Meeting Adjourned