Cotuit Fire District – Board of Fire Commissioners
Notice of meetings of District Department and all District Boards
As required by Chapter 28 of the Acts of 2009 which amends MGL Chapter 30 A
July 18, 2013 Fire Commissioners Meeting Minutes
Fire Commissioner Mycock opened Fire Commissioners meeting at 1310
Fire Commissioner Mycock and Nailor present, Fire Commissioner Field unable to make meeting
Recording meeting: Amy Kates and Barbara Trainor-Tessier
Public Comments:
Amy Kates: Interested in executive session in regards to Fire Chief’s contract- question why was it being discussed if the contract is not up until July of 2014, pending law suits should be a consideration. Stating in Chief’s contract if removed from office the District will honor pay off until end of term of contract.
Benefit issues with union contract, Amy Kates also stating hiring issues do to medical reasons.
Fire Commissioner Mycock made a statement on the public comment that he would like to finish the Fire Chief’s contract before the start of the Union’s contract negotiations.
Fire Chief states the new budget is completed for FY 14 and is ready to use.
Fy 13 Budget is still be completed and should be completed by August
One out on sick leave and other firefighter is our Line of Duty Injury
Two new Fulltime Firefighters/Paramedics have been hired and doing well with orientation.
Firefighter/Paramedic Kellen Daly and Firefighter /Paramedic Hal Marczely
Cotuit Fire now has three personnel on each shift, we “Thank” the Fire Commissioners for there support as well as the District.
HVAC units:
Needs to be replaced in the near future.
Ambulance 262 -needs to be replace next year, will study this with a proposal
Engine 263- Rehab engine 263 on mechanics recommendation with article money
Engine 265- to be replaced in two years
Breaker 267- looking to place a winch on back of apparatus
Marine 266- in good working order, need to get a dock for this marine unit.
C261- working fine, need to replace two years
4th of July Parade:
A great success, 10 Apparatus from surrounding towns, open house after parade big success, held of incidents by fifty from last year.
Fire Commissioner Mycock made a motion to go into executive session to discuss the Fire Chief’s contract and will not return to public meeting. Motion seconded by Fire Commissioner Nailor , motion carries.