December 19 2013 Fire Commissioner Monthly Meeting Minutes

DRAFTDecember 19, 2013 Fire Commissioners Monthly Meeting



1300 hrs


Present: Fire Commissioner Mycock, Field and Nailor




Barbara Trainor-Tessier


Public comment:

Barbara Trainor-Tessier read a letter for the record. Going over how to keep minutes of each meeting. Same letter read at the last Fire Commissioner Meeting in November.


Fire Commissioner Nailor- Stating to the public that our Firefighters participated in a tremendous degree for fill the bus in the Town of Barnstable.  FF Emerson, Daly and E. Anderson. More than two hundred toys were given on that day. Fire Commissioner Nailor and the entire Board of Fire Commissioners extending their appreciation to all who helped out.


Fire Chief’s report:


Activities: Total of 75 incidents for the month of November.


Comstar report given to the Board


Fire Commissioner Mycock requesting to do a comparison from years past, we may need to change the percentage. Need to have a break down of last five years.


Fire Commissioner Mycock requesting that the Fire Chief meet with comstar for possible changes to our account with Comstar.


Old Business:


A262 needs to be replaced, we lost the ability to transport and lost a dollar amount of $8,000.00 approximately do to maintenance and repairs.  Each year this Ambulance is costing the district more money for repairs and revenue.

Fire Chief stating that this is a high priority to replace this ambulance.


Fire Commissioner Field asking if we know what we want and Fire Commissioner Mycock stating how long does it take for a new ambulance to be delivered.

Fire Chief stating that we have three quotes from three different ambulance venders and it will be about six months to delivery.

Fire Commissioner Field requests that it needs to be on the fast track to replace the old ambulance with a new ambulance.

Fire Commissioner Mycock asking the Fire Chief for his recommendation.

Fire Chief stating that the ambulance needs to be replaced as soon as we can, the repair bills will keep on accumulating.

Fire Commissioner Mycock stating that we need to communicate to the Prudential Committee and Treasurer our thoughts on requesting for a new ambulance.


Fire Commissioner Field stating that we should look into a leasing an ambulance.


Fire Commissioner Mycock asking the Fire Chief to start focusing what we need for an ambulance also what we need to present to the public.


Fire Commissioner Mycock will contact Prudential Committee Chairperson Barry for a special meeting to discuss the possibility of a new ambulance.


Full time/Call Firefighters: The new members of the Cotuit Fire Department come with experience.


Call department: almost a full strength looking to hire more.  Looking to complete the call force at twelve to thirteen members.


Union Contract negotiation meeting started and half way through the contract.  December 30, 2013 will be the next meeting.  Hope to finish the contract next meeting, we will be asking for a date soon from the Union officers.



New Business: State Fire Academy – looking to send Fire Fighter Peter Emerson to the State Fire Academy, we will need to fund this at district meeting.


Dispatch: Three options: 1. Stay at COMMFD, 2. Go to the Sheriff Department 3. Barnstable County Wide Dispatch Center or 4. begin looking into a Town of Barnstable wide dispatch Center.


Fire Commissioner Mycock asking what do we pay for dispatching present time.  The cost is $35,000.00/year


Fire Commissioner Mycock made a motion to go into executive session to discuss the Fire Chief’s Contract as it is in the best interest of the district, we will not come back into public session. Seconded by Nailor, motion carried.