Cotuit Fire District Board of Fire Commissioners
Minutes of meeting of May 22, 2014
Ron Mycock: Okay.
Brenda Nailor: Is the Chief coming?
Ron Mycock: No. I will make that little announcement. By my calculations and my phone it’s 1:02 on Tuesday, May 22. I’m chairman Myc- … I’m sorry. Did I say Tuesday? Okay. Thursday, May 22. I’m Ronald Mycock, Chairman of the Board of Fire Commissioners, and I will open this meeting. Chief Olsen will not be here today. He is President of the EMS, and they have their annual meeting today. In addition, he is on bereavement leave for a couple of days.
I think I’m going to call … I was going to go out of order, but I think I hear people coming, so I’ll wait. I’m going to … I’ve got the minutes, we have a series of minutes that we need to do and catch up. This is Commissioner Field’s last official commissioner’s meeting after six years. On behalf of the District, I would like to thank you for all of your time and effort. Looking to … I’m going to interrupt myself here. It appears as if we have a member of the public that will be recording. Will you please identify yourself at the microphone? And that microphone needs to be turned on.
Amy Kates: Amy Kates. I will be recording.
Ron Mycock: Thank you. As I said, was saying, we have a number of minutes to catch up on. Most are current. Because of the number of them, I did get them to the commissioners a couple a days ago so that they could review them for themselves and make corrections as needed. I’m going to start with the oldest, which would be …
Peter Field: I need to get my cards.
Ron Mycock: Pause for a second for Commissioner Field. Okay. We’re going to, first it came to my attention that we inadvertently, although these have been posted for a lengthy period of time, the minutes of November 21, 2013, were not approved but they’ve been there for a lengthy period of time. They also were the subject of a inquiry by one of our citizens, so I made a couple of small minor changes, which I did provide to each of you commissioners. I did not hear back if there would be any objections to them, but if there are none, I’d make a motion for the minutes of November 21, 2013, to be approved as revised.
Peter Field: I’ll second that.
Ron Mycock: All those in favor?
Peter Field: Aye.
Ron Mycock: All three commissioners voted, and at this point I should say Commissioner Nailor and Commissioner Field are here. I’m still trying to get used to the recording system for the people who produce our minutes. Okay, so that’s November.
The next ones that I’ll do, I’ll do the March open meeting. Excuse me, Ms. Kates, what are you doing?
Amy Kates: I’m just putting up my [inaudible 00:06:40].
Ron Mycock: Okay. Are you parked in a handicap spot again?
Amy Kates: No.
Ron Mycock: The March 20 minutes of our regular meeting that, again, have been posted since I think the day or day after of the minutes, I hear I did make a small correction in spelling in a name. Something was attributed to someone, the inappropriate person, but both of those were corrected and sent to you. With any, unless I hear a question or concern, I’d make a motion for the March 20, 2014 minutes to be approved as written.
Brenda Nailor: I’ll second that.
Ron Mycock: That was seconded by Commissioner Nailor. All those in favor?
Peter Field: Aye.
Brenda Nailor: Aye.
Ron Mycock: Aye. Unanimous. Moving on to April’s minutes, April 17th’s minutes. Again, there was one minor correction. Michael Vinette’s name was misspelled, which does not surprise me. Other than that, unless I hear something, I would make a motion for the April 17, 2014, minutes to be approved as written.
Brenda Nailor: I second that motion.
Ron Mycock: All those in favor?
Peter Field: Aye.
Ron Mycock: Aye.
Brenda Nailor: Aye.
Ron Mycock: It’s unanimous. Next are the executive session minutes that we had, we had three, although we posted numerous times for executive session for the Chief’s contract due to different personnel, people not being available at meetings, although we might have had a majority of the board, we wanted to have everyone involved, so we had three meetings plus an open meeting. We had a total of four meetings relative to the Chief’s contract. They dated, the first one was July 18, 2013, August 15, 2013, and December 19, 2013. Then I think it was last April 17.
Four meetings, and I’ll take the July 18, 2013, minutes executive session that, again, I supplied to everybody a few days ago. If I hear no comment, I would make a motion that the minutes of executive session of Thursday, July 18, 2013, be approved as written.
Peter Field: I second that.
Ron Mycock: I hear a second. All those in favor?
Peter Field: Aye.
Ron Mycock: Aye.
Brenda Nailor: Aye.
Ron Mycock: It’s unanimous. The next one would be the Thursday, August 15, 2013, executive session relative to the Chief’s contract. I’ll make a motion that they be accepted as written. Do I hear a second?
Brenda Nailor: I second that.
Ron Mycock: Second. All those in favor?
Peter Field: Aye.
Ron Mycock: Aye.
Brenda Nailor: Aye.
Ron Mycock: It’s unanimous. It’s certainly easier when I get it to people ahead of time. Again, December 19, 2013, minutes for the executive session relative to the Chief’s contract, unless I hear otherwise, I’d make a motion that the minutes be accepted as written. Do I hear a second?
Peter Field: Second that.
Ron Mycock: I hear a second. All those in favor?
Brenda Nailor: Aye.
Ron Mycock: Aye. Commissioner Field?
Peter Field: Aye.
Ron Mycock: That’s unanimous. Next, I’d like to make a motion that we release the executive session minutes of Thursday, July 18, 2103, executive session minutes of Thursday, August 15, 2013, and executive session minutes of December 19, 2013. Do I make …?
Peter Field: I’ll second that.
Ron Mycock: All those in favor?
Peter Field: Aye.
Ron Mycock: Aye.
Brenda Nailor: Aye.
Ron Mycock: Those are now available if anyone is interested. I don’t know if we’ll publish those. Maybe we’ll put them on the website. Who cares? Put them there. All those will be, we’ll get those on the website shortly. That, to the best of my knowledge, catches this board up with all approved minutes and executive sessions. Yes, Ms. Kates?
Amy Kates: April 17 was an open meeting and not an executive session?
Ron Mycock: Of this year?
Amy Kates: Yeah.
Ron Mycock: Yes.
Amy Kates: Okay, good. I wrote down April 17.
Ron Mycock: You were here.
Amy Kates: I was?
Ron Mycock: Yeah.
Amy Kates: But we haven’t approved that yet?
Ron Mycock: We approved it today.
Amy Kates: We approved December 19, August 15, and July 18.
Ron Mycock: Where is it?
Amy Kates: Oh yeah. It was open session. I wrote it down as an executive session. Sorry, I forgot.
Ron Mycock: All right. We will now have public comment. No public comment today. I’ll save my comment then. The Chief is, as I said, not here, so there’s no Chief’s report. Under old business, our budget has been submitted. I received an email and my fellow commissioners might have received emails, of proposed draft articles from the treasurer. I have to say, it’s very pleasant how he does business. I enjoy getting his stuff. For our upcoming meeting, our budget was essentially under a half a percent increase. Of course, there’s the looming contract negotiations that have been suspended until September. That’s where we stand on budget.
Full time personnel, Firefighter Emerson will be going to the State Academy in September. He was a former call firefighter that was hired. Our last few hires have come from the list, the county list, and they have all already been to the Academy, so no expense to the district. Ambulance 262, we have a warrant article to replace it in the district meeting. I’m sort of blowing through these, Commissioners, but they’re really more statements. If you have anything to say, just speak up. I think that does it under old business.
New business, Chief just wanted us to know he’s going to move his personnel around starting July 1, shift changes, different people with different people. Personally, I always think that’s a good thing. That’s really all we have today. There’s nothing else on the agenda, so there’s nothing else we can talk about. [inaudible 00:15:56] a motion, and once again, Commissioner Field, it’s been a pleasure.
Peter Field: Thank you.
Ron Mycock: I’ll allow you to make the motion to adjourn your last meeting, if you’d like.
Peter Field: I’d like to make a motion to adjourn.
Ron Mycock: I’ll second that. All those in favor?
Peter Field: Aye.
Ron Mycock: Aye.
Brenda Nailor: Aye.
Ron Mycock: Excuse me.