JANUARY 22, 2015
You are hereby required and directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of the Town of Barnstable residing within the territory comprising the Cotuit Fire District qualified to vote in District elections and affairs to meet at the Freedom Hall Main Street, Cotuit, on Thursday, January 22, 2015, at seven-thirty o’clock PM, when action will be taken on the following articles:
(All articles which are not followed by the words “by request of . . .” are inserted by the Prudential Committee.)
Article 1: To see if the District will vote to authorize the Prudential Committee of the Cotuit Fire District to acquire for municipal purposes by purchase a certain parcel of land, with the buildings thereon, known and numbered as 56 High Street in Cotuit for the sum of $299,000.00 with an additional $15,000.00 for closing costs, under such terms as the Prudential Committee shall deem to be in the best interests of the District. The property is shown on the Barnstable Assessor’s Map 35 as Lot 45. For title see deed recorded at the Barnstable County Registry of Deeds in Book 27152, Page 241. And to appropriate a sum of money for such purpose and to determine whether such appropriation shall be raised by borrowing, transfer or otherwise, and to take any other action relative thereto.
Article: 2: To see if the District will vote to raise and appropriate and/or transfer from available funds the sum of $5,000.00 for insurance, care, custody and security of the Cotuit Fire District’s real property located at 56 High Street, in Cotuit.
Article 3: To see if the District will vote to raise and appropriate and/or transfer from available funds the sum of $25,000.00 to pay for the additional unanticipated costs associated with current contract negotiations with the firefighters’ union.
(Requested by the Board of Fire Commissioners)
Prudential Committee’s recommendation will be made at meeting.
Hereof fail not to make due return of this warrant and your doings thereon at said meeting.
Given under our hands this Twenty-Second day of December, 2014.
Frances Parks
Laurie C. Hadley
A true copy, attest:
Charles W. Eager, Clerk
Cotuit Fire District