Fire Commissioners – April 23 2015 – Meeting Minutes


Cotuit Fire District – Board of Fire Commissioners

Notice of meetings of District Department and all District Boards
As required by Chapter 28 of the Acts of 2009 which amends MGL Chapter 30 A

April 23, 2015
Meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners

Attendance: Fire Commissioner Hadley, Fire Commissioner Nailor and Chief Christopher Olsen

Absent: Fire Commissioner Mycock

Amy Cates recording

Public comment: Ms. Cates would like to know what role the Commissioners played in the process of hiring the
new Administrative Assistant last fall. Ms. Gardener asked for the name of the Attorney being used to negotiate
with the Cotuit FF-Commissioner Hadley informed that Commissioner Mycock has that information. Ms. Gardener
also asked if going through each line item on the budget-no as everyone has a copy to review.

Fire Chief Report: Monthly Reports-26 EMS and 31 Fire incident calls. Comstar report collected 73.21%. As of
2/14-1/15 collected $126,810.25, which goes into the general fund. CFD brings in about $43K each month on
rescue calls—copies of report were passed out.

Budget: 77% expended to date. Some items have exceeded such as wages and maintenance.

Call Department: Have 14 calls on staff. Will be sending out 2-3 disciplinary letters due to lack of participation.

New Business: Currently have a vacant Paramedic/FF FT position as one of the FF opted to step down from
Paramedic to the open EMT position. Options for the Board to consider is to either go off current availability list,
or to hire one of the CF. Commissioner Hadley made a motion to fill the vacant EMT position with the Paramedic
that stepped down to an EMT-was seconded. Which now leaves the open Paramedic position. Commissioner
Nailor made a motion to hire from the CF, Commission Hadley seconds the motion.
Chief has done some research regarding buying a new fire truck by talking with mechanics, dealerships, plus
local towns with their own trucks. Commissioner Hadley, Chief, and some Lieutenants will get together to review
truck specs.

Motion Made by Commissioner Hadley to adjourn the meeting.

Next meeting held on May 21, 2015

Download a copy of the minutes