August 2011 Fire Commissioners Meeting Minutes

Board of Fire Commissioners
Notes of Regular Meeting held, August 18, 2011
Note: These notes become official when approved at a subsequent meeting.

The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners was called to order at 1302hours by Fire Commissioner Field, and Fire Commissioner Nailor.
Fire Commissioner Mycock was unavailable to make Fire Commissioners meeting.
Recording- Unknown
Public Comments:
• Rushy Marsh Road- Tree down across wires, can the fire department investigate issue
• Who do we request minutes from, is it Charlie Eager, District Clerk, answer was yes
• Question on Firefighter’s Clarks’ date of physical exam and PAT
• Question on Firefighter Entrance Exam, are the same exams each year
• Statement made from Fire Commissioner Field that the hiring process for FF Clark has been completed; FF Clark has been working, moving forward.

Fire Chief’s Report:
• Monthly activities no report
• Four positions open for Call Firefighter process is ongoing
• CPR Class moving forward, every last Thursday of each month, Cotuit Fire Rescue Department will be offering a CPR class. Ten dollars will be the cost of the course.

Old Business:
• 95% of the salaries have been spent-final report
• 88% of the operational budget has been spent-still reconciling balance
• Legal fees are paid up to date
• Comstar report: has not returned our call
• Firefighter Shane Clark scheduled to report to the Massachusetts Firefighting Academy in January 2012.
New Business:
• September 11 memorial service will be held at Cotuit Fire, all personnel and members of the District to be at the station no later than 0830hours on September 11, 2011 Sunday.
• Sign for posting- requesting permission to move forward with the process, comments about this process was brought up at meeting: Cotuit Firefighters Association will be asked to help as well as Prudential Committee, in the process of getting photos as well as prices. Enclosed weatherproof board to be placed between windows on side “B” of fire station near ramp.

Fire Commissioner Field asking if any other public comment, seeing none Fire Commissioner Field made a motion to close the meeting, motion seconded by Fire Commissioner Nailor, motion carried.
Fire Commissioner meeting adjourned at 1320hours.

Respectfully Submitted:
Board of Fire Commissioners