Treasurer’s report discussed and accepted. Questions about a deposition in regards to the on-going litigation against the district. Work continues on Freedom Hall; some hiccups. Apparently, all the other districts of Barnstable have been working on Healthcare reform for some time and Cotuit is drastically behind. Candidates for the Assistant Treasurer were selected down from Fifteen to Four candidates; those who will not be consider further were deemed as either “extremely overqualified” or “under-qualified”
Year: 2011
Regular meeting 12/26/2011
Regular Meeting
December 26, at 6:00 PM 2011,
Cotuit Fire Station, 64 High Street, Cotuit, Massachusetts
Public Comment
- Call to order
- Approval of minutes
- Treasurer’s Report
- Freedom Hall
- District Health Insurance
- Review of resumes received from applicants for assistant treasurer’s position and set schedule for interviews
Prudential Committee Meeting Minutes, Special Meeting; December 12, 2011
Further discussion regarding the contract for the necessary work on Freedom Hall, as well as the specific work that needs to be accomplished. The position of Assistant Treasurer was also discussed, specifically advertising for the position.
Prudential Committee Special Meeting
Special Meeting
December 12, 2011
5:00 PM
Cotuit Fire Station, 64 High Street, Cotuit, Massachusetts
No public comment
Call to order
Freedom Hall estimates
Assistant Treasurer, job description and posting
- Call to order
- Freedom Hall estimates
- Assistant Treasurer, job description and posting
Meeting Minutes November 28, 2011
Reading of minutes from three previous meetings were discussed and voted on. The discussion on the minutes of the October regular meeting included a discussion on contracts. The minutes were voted onand passed. The discussion on the special meeting of November 10 was voted on and was passed. The discussion on the minutes of the special meeting of November 16 was voted on and passed.
Items discussed at the November 28 meeting included street lights, audit reporting, an open meeting complaint filed by Joan Gaggatt, Freedom Hall committee members, office lease, and hiring an assistant treasurer. Complete copy of the minutes can be found here.

Prudential Committee Meeting Minutes, Special Meeting; November 16, 2011
Freedom Hall is discussed. After clarification from the town’s Board of Health that only the basement was a concern, it was decided to reopen Freedom Hall for the events already scheduled for December.
Special Prudential Committee meeting
Special Meeting
November 16, 2011
5:30 PM
Cotuit Fire Station, 64 High Street, Cotuit, Massachusetts
Call to order
Closing of Freedom Hall
Prudential Committee Meeting Minutes, Special Meeting; November 10, 2011
Opens with discussion regarding taxes to the town of of Barnstable; a tax “factor of one” was adopted. The state of Freedom Hall was discussed, closing Freedom Hall until the entire building is judged by the board of health as safe for use was discussed and in the end passed as the course of action.
Prudential Committee Meeting Minutes; October 24, 2011
Treasurer’s report read and approved. Further discussion about the new District Offices; potential conflicts of interest raised over the Mycock property, a similarly-price alternative was cited but it was decided to stay with the previous decision of the Mycock property. CMED system discussed once again; hospital appears to be responsible for picking up the overrun in costs. Concerns over the contract for the work on Freedom Hall was raised. Concerns over the signing of the new Fire Fighters contract were raised. A “Help Wanted” ad shall be placed in the local daily and wekly papers for the hiring of a new Assistant Treasurer.
Prudential Committee Regular Meeting, October 24, 2011
Regular Meeting
October 24, 2011
6:00 PM
Cotuit Fire Station, 64 High Street, Cotuit, Massachusetts
Public comment
Call to order
- Approval of minutes
- Treasurer’s report
- District office
- Freedom Hall
- Executive Session, not to return to public hearing
- To conduct strategy sessions in preparation for negotiations with nonunion personnel
- To discuss Firefighters Union Contract