Fran: I’m going to open the February 12th meeting of the Cotuit Fire District Prudential Committee. Is anyone recording? No one’s recording. Present are Lori Stan Goldstein, and Fran Parks. The purpose of this meeting is to authorize an internal borrowing of 314,000 for the purchase of 56 High Street. Any questions?
Fran: Could I please have a motion to authorize an internal borrowing of $314,000 for the purchase of 56 High Street, Cotuit, Massachusetts.
Laurie: What is the source of the funds?
Fran: He has listed here, computation of limit of total of advances; he has free cash and the stabilization fund.
Laurie: I move that we do an internal transfer of funds, in the amount of $314,000 from a combination of free cash and the stabilization fund.
Fran: Is there a second?
Stan: Second.
Fran: All those in favor.
Laurie: I.
Stan: I.
Fran: I. So moved. Could I have a motion to close the meeting?
Laurie: I move we adjourn.
Stan: So moved.
Fran: Second, adjourned.