Cotuit Fire District
Prudential Committee
2 June 2015
10:00 AM
Present: Laurie Hadley, Fran Parks Mr Goldstein is off Cape
Frances: This is Frances Parks opening the June 2, 2015 meeting of the Cotuit Fire District, the Prudential Committee, calling the meeting to order. The purpose of the meeting is to appoint a Chief Procurement Officer for the Prudential Committee. As advised by Lee Davis, the Procurement Officer at the county, who is working with us on the RFP for the treasurer, and she advised me that because the contract over 3 years is worth more than 100,000 dollars, we have to have a Chief Procurement Officer. The only thing I’m unclear about is whether or not being the Chairman, and I have to sign off on this as being the Chairman, if I can also be the designated Chief Procurement Officer.
Laurie: I think with the vote of the committee, it should be all right.
Frances: Well, that’s what I’m hoping because the process to vote someone else as Chief Procurement Officer, and then designate one for a specific project is very lengthy, and we don’t have that amount of time. The bid for the Treasurer is going to be posted on the State Goods and Services website June 8th, which is 6 days from now. Are there any nominations for the Chief Procurement Officer?
Laurie: I nominate Frances S. Parks as Chief Procurement Officer.
Frances: I’ll second that. All in favor?
Laurie: I.
Frances: I, so moved. Frances Parks will be the Chief Procurement Officer. The other requirement is an end date for this, not designation, and I was thinking like September 1st.
Laurie: Sounds good.
Frances: Okay.
Frances: Yes, so motion to adjourn.
Laurie: I move we adjourn.
Frances: So moved.