Discussion regarding the expiration of the current Treasure’s contract, and the status of hiring an Assistant Treasurer. Finally, the status of the new software is briefly brought up.
Executive Session
Prudential Committee Meeting Minutes, Executive Session; August 22, 2011
Discussion on the pending litigation, the cost of the district and the importance about dissemination of public information.
Prudential Committee Meeting Minutes, Executive Session; July 25, 2011
Further Discussion of the Fire Fighter’s contracts; concern over the lack of involvement of the Prudential Committee. Most changes will not affect current employees of the fire dept, only new-hires. Union has been cooperative; feels it is more important to increase the size of the dept. Raises will be 0-1-2 over the next three years. Concerns about the on-going litigation are voiced.
Prudential Committee Meeting, Executive Session; June 20, 2011
The Fire Fighters contract will be three years. The possibility for additional salary for educational credits was discussed. Possible pay raises over the course of the contract was discussed, two felt it should be 0-0-0, one felt it should be 0-1-2.